We currently have membership opportunities in the following countries:
- Africa
- Bolivia
- Egypt
- Libya
- Trinidad & Tobago
- Algeria
- Albania
- Croatia
- Fiji
- Romania
- Ukraine
- Angola
- Czech Republic
- Ghana
- Morocco
- Russia
- Uruguay
- Bahamas
- Denmark
- Guyana
- Nigeria
- Slovakia
- Venezuela
- Tanzania
- Ecuador
- Hungary
- Panama
Apply for Membership using the form below.
If you want to compete with the global corporations and integrators, you will need worldwide support and capabilities
IASA will provide you with a global network of like-minded companies of sound financial status, managed by people with the same aims.
Membership of IASA is faster, more economical and financially safer than trying to build your own global partner network.
IASA is a UK registered, non-profit Association, owned by its existing Members, whose sole purpose is to promote business within its Membership.
The Directors are Members representatives, nominated and appointed by the Membership. Once Full Membership is achieved, a Member is included in the decision-making processes and permitted to vote on all Association matters.
The fees are calculated annually and reflect the costs for running the London Secretariat and for further developing the Association. Annual budgets are produced and approved by the Membership at the General Assemblies. The Board members control all development costs, though any exceptional expenses must first be approved by the Membership.
General Assemblies are hosted by a Member every twelve months and it is a requirement of Membership that all Members are represented at senior, decision-making level. The prime purpose of the Assemblies is to determine the Associations development plans, elect or re-elect Board Members and to promote further business between Members. This can only be effectively achieved if all Members are available to all others for bi-lateral sales meetings. It is essential all Members can rely on all others being present.
Members are required to cover their own hotel expenses whilst at our Assemblies, but the Assembly Host provides most of the entertainment. The costs of attending one assembly every twelve months compares very favourably with the costs of visiting individual overseas partners, even once a year, yet it is a vital element of your business to maintain strong ties with your partners. With approximately forty Members (the number is growing), costs for meeting each one of them over the Assembly period can be calculated UK £120 per partner, whereas costs of cultivating forty individual overseas partners will unquestionably run into thousands of Pounds. And theres no guarantee of payments, unless you are fortunate enough to have reciprocal and balanced trading.
The effects on Members sales are two-fold. Firstly, other members are more likely to work with you than a non-IASA Member (it is a requirement of Membership that each Members works with at least 70% of the other Members) and Members therefore can benefit from their partners traffics into and out of their region. Secondly, the IASA logo, Members Directory, the IASA web site and other advertising are available to assist your own sales efforts and to demonstrate your own global presence to existing and prospective clients.
You should continue to promote and develop your business and involve other IASA Members in your routings. Use the General Assemblies to add your particular expertise to the running of the Association and to further personal contacts. IASA was instigated solely to help promote business within its Membership, but not as a sign-up and sit-back organisation. Members are expected to participate in the Associations running and its further development, which in turn will lead to more business for the Membership.
The IASA web site contains details of regions in which there are opportunities for new applicants, or feel free to contact us using the website contact tabs.